I typed up this long great blog about everything that has been happening in my life in the past month. Anyways, I forgot do upload it from my computer to my jump drive so I'll have to post it next time I'm at the internet. I did upload some pictures that I was planning to put with the blog so I will get as many up as I can before my time runs out. I'm sorry it's been so long since my last blog for my regular readers.

The above picture on the left is an ingrown finger nail that got infected and resulted in my finger nail falling off. Only in Ghana would it get that bad. The picture on the right is of a burn I got cooking during my 4th of July celebration. It's my largest open wound in country so I'm being very careful and keeping it clean. It's almost heald! You can see the middle finger nail is almost grown out. Other than that my health is great....FINALLY!

This last pic is from way back when Griffin visited. We went up to visit a volunteer who lives near Bolga so we went to the crocodile sanctuary. Sorry I couldn't upload more pics but I have to go find a vet for my kitten, she has to get spaid this month. I promise next time I will post a good story and some pics to go along with it. Love you and miss you all so much!