African Finfoot

African Jacana
(or Lily Trotter)

Malachite Kingfisher
*One of my favorite birds!
Cattle Egret

Pied Kingfisher

*One of my favorite pictures
Black Bee-eater
Laughing Dove

Red-eyed Dove
Woodlands Kingfisher
(or Senegal Kingfisher)
Cinnamon Chested Bee-eater
Western Reef Egret
Great White Egret
Little Egret
*Of course I can't tell a difference between any of these Egrets
African Pied Hornbill
Olive-bellied Sunbird
Village Weaver
(or Black headed Weaver)
Their are tons more but I'm out of time! I hope you enjoyed them Grandma and I wish you could be here to see them yourself. Love you and miss you!