The picture below shows the site where our house will be! It is beautiful, it sits just 20 feet from the water on the beach. We watch beautiful sunrises to the left and sunsets on the right. It always has a nice cool breeze blowing too. Well till next time! Peace and love, Mandy
Monday, November 17, 2008
Busy, busy, busy!
The picture below shows the site where our house will be! It is beautiful, it sits just 20 feet from the water on the beach. We watch beautiful sunrises to the left and sunsets on the right. It always has a nice cool breeze blowing too. Well till next time! Peace and love, Mandy
Friday, September 12, 2008
A long awaited update!
I thought way back to July, and referred back to my journal, and remembered that July was the month school let out. I spent most of July wrapping up my environment clubs and getting ready for break. I also had a few visitors come to hang out on the beach with me. Brady came for about a week and Janet and her freind Karen from the states. Also, Terri and Erika were all at my place on Erika's way to Accra to ET (early terminate). We had a great time, we camped on the beach...even though we were rained out at 2 a.m. we still had a ball. I'm missing Erika bad!
In August Janet came back after dropping her friend off at the airport to unwind from the stress of visitors...haha! Janet is a sixty year old PCV who lives a few hours south of Wa in a town called Bole. Sha has on of the most interesting lives imaginable, from living homeless on the beaches of Hawaii to the life of an ex-porn star, ex-stripper. She is currently engaged to a chief in her village! We sat and daydreamed about making a cultural center at my site and hers. Then we brainstomed finding local artesians and having them train younger generations some of the dying cultures in Ghana. In addition we could find new crafts that foreigners might enjoy, like beach art and jewerly using seashells. Also teach the local fish net weavers to make hammocks! We even went as far as checking the price to buy land on the beach. My wonderful landlords response was, "Oh you want to buy some? I have plenty. I will give you some!" So, I'm now an ocean front property owner in West Africa. Janet is coming back down to my site in early October to help put together a PCPP proposal (Peace Corps Partnership Project). That will be a link on the PC website so people can make personal donations to our project. If all of this goes through and the funding is available I might think about extending my service a year to make the cultural center more sustainable and teach them book keeping, putting me back home in December 2010. As you can see, it's been an exciting and busy two months. While Janet was down we also had several beach burn activities, just started making trash piles and burning them, then asking passer-byers to help us. We always finished the beach burn with a swim and I would have about 8-12 Ghanaian kids hanging on me in the ocean. They seemed to enjoy it!
Last week we had HIV/AIDS training in Kumasi at a real nice hotel, with a pool and A/C. We learned how to put together PEPFAR proposals to use USAID money for HIV projects in our village. I'm aiming for my village football tournament to be in November. The students and environment club members will facilitate HIV/AIDS education, games, songs, and skits before the games, halftime, and following the games. I want to put together a larger proposal next year for an HIV/AIDS walk that will involve 7 villages.
Other than that life has been pretty normal here! After having malaria for my second time, and recovering from my fourth worm I can say I'm back to perfect health. We did go about a week without running water or electricity so I had to rough it and fetch my own water for a while. I also had to eat 1 1/2 kilos (3.3 pounds) of meat becasue my freezer when out with the power. Talk about a stomach ache! This week all of my group will be celebrating our 1 year in country, it's hard to believe I've been here a whole year. I'm really looking forward to coming home for Christmas, only 3 more months! I'm going to eat so much food! I'm also looking forward to seeing tons of friends and family. I'm hoping to go talk to one of the classes that I've been writing about Ghana and making them some fufu. My grandmothers coming down to visit from VA for the holidays. We are also making a short side trip to TX to visit some of my family in Austin. I will be busy for sure. In my down time I'm looking forward to doing some construction with my Dad and maybe making some cool cards with my Mom.
Sorry I wasn't able to post any pictures again, the internet is moving too slow today. I hope everyone back home is doing well! I miss you all! Love, Mandy
Friday, July 11, 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008
My Battle with Malaria
This week I got a temperature of 105, my limbs when numb and my head was spinning, it hurt to move. It wasn’t so bad though, so long as I didn’t move I felt fine. The temperature didn’t bother me so much; I only felt it when I rolled over, then the heat would radiate from where I was laying. I managed to make it to my med kit and take some ibuprofen, drink some water, and wonder to take a cold shower. When I made it back to bed my temp was down to 104. The next hour was the worst part about being sick, breaking the fever. I laid there and sweat and had chills, uncontrollable shaking, when I got up I had made a sweat angle on my bed. I felt fine the next morning, I called the Peace Corps Medical Officer (PCMO) the next morning and told her about the temp I had had. She said it sounded like malaria, their was no way to be sure unless I took a blood smear so they could test my blood for malaria. She said the blood smear would be miss read unless I took it when I had the fever. She didn’t want me to wait for my fever to come back (normally every 24 hours) because I had such a high temp, so she started me on Coartem. I had heard horror stories about Coartem, I had heard that it was worse than actually having malaria. The side effects listed were dizziness, fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, sleep disorder, joint pain, and headache. Before I started taking the medicine I cleaned up my room, cleaned my water filter and filled it, and got everything in order so I could be sick in comfort.
I ended up not having any of the side effects! Until about 5:00 pm the second day…the PCMO didn’t mention that the Coartem kicks in the second day. The second night I only got up to a 104 temp but I think it was worse because I knew what it was going to be like. The next day I was 100% cured! It was the easiest case of malaria I think I could’ve had. Turns out I got malaria on Griffins visit, it normally takes 2-3 weeks for the malaria to show up.
Terri, one of my PCV friends came to visit and nurse me back to health the next day, but she was a bit to late so we spent the whole day having fun in the sun and swimming. We had such a good time! Two days later we went to Takoradi in the late afternoon, she left early the next morning. After she got on her tro I got on mine and headed home.
I took got on the tro in a corner seat and tucked my bag under my feet and took a nice long nap. When I awoke from my nap I dug through my bag to find some mints, my mouth was dry because I had fallen asleep with it open. I couldn’t find my mints, I checked the floor and didn’t see anything and right about then the tro stopped and the two men next to me dropped at a station. We continued on our way and a minute later I realized not only were my mints missing but my cell phone was as well, and my Peace Corps issued cell phone for safety and security. The first emotion that swept my body was anger, fury, outrage, infuriated, irritated, etc. It is an over whelming emotion that fills your whole body and take all the strength you have to keep it in. I couldn’t sit still once I made it back to my village because I was so mad, last time I was robbed I was mad at all Ghanaians, but this time I was mad at myself for not catching the guys before they got down.
I am hard wired just like my Dad in this manner, I get uncontrollable mad but once I calm down I can see the light again. I took a nap, I’ve found that’s the easiest way to calm down and clear my mind. It has been a hard month for me, but they say when it rains it pours and it did pour for a few weeks. If you wait long enough you will see the beautiful golden light on the edge of the dark lovely clouds. When I woke up I saw my golden lining, the one person who could cheer me up. He loves me more than anything and I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual. If I had to describe him I would say he is a cross of the best sides of Bashful and Dopey from the 7 Dwarfs. He is a Ghanaian boy, he doesn’t understand any English, and he is 4 years old and my shadow. His name is Quabinah!
With this golden lining it didn’t take much to make the sun rise. I taught a lesson in my market town and the class was phenomenal, they listened, laughed, and were all involved. It was the beginning of an environment club, we talked about wildlife as opposed to man made objects, and ideas on how to stop pollution.
I plan to go buy a new rabbit on Monday, it is already pregnant so I am very excited. I am also starting a susu in my village, it is a women’s savings group, I want to teach the women that they can save small amounts of money and it will add up to large amounts. On Tuesday I am taking a group of 15 girls who all want to be nurses to a hospital to shadow a Ghanaian nurse for a few hours. They will have the opportunity to ask questions, and then take part in an HIV/AIDS lesson. I am so excited and looking forward to this weeks work!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My Side of the Story!
So his plane arrived April 27 and I felt like a little kid on Christmas Eve waiting for him, must have slipped my mind that he bullied me my first 18 years of life. When I saw him I gave him the biggest hug and just didn’t want to let go. But I eventually did and he got to hear my Ghanaian English for the first time (slow broken English that is a language all on it’s own) as a bartered over a few measly dollars for a taxi. On to the Swissrest Lodge we went where Griff had a chance to meet some of the PCVs that I had been going on about for the past 8 months, including a PCV who had been robbed just moments earlier in a drive-by laptop snatching. Ironically enough we ran up stairs to drop our things and unpack a laptop my brother had brought for my counterpart before taking a few PCVs out to forget the recent robbery. While unpacking the laptop I got to peak at all the gifts and goodies Griff brought from family and friends, talk about more stuff than I knew what to do with. We found the laptop and mess of cords that went along with it and took it down stai
Day 1 of our trip began mid-morning as we leisurely left the hotel, deposited all of my brother’s money into my bank account(I just have skills), repacked our bags at the PC office, and headed to Kofiridua to meet up with Jacquie and Carolyn. It was on our 3 hour tro ride that I began to feel sick, the general I don’t feel good but I don’t know what’s feeling bad that I’m beginning to learn to live with in Ghana. A short side note, last week I was sick for my first time in Ghana, vomiting and diarrhea at the same time…a newly acquired skill since I came to this country. Regardless, we made it to our meeting point where Carolyn drug us through some alleys to this smelly scummy sitting area that is said to have the best fried rice in town. I wouldn’t know because I wasn’t feeling well enough to eat, I would assume that it wasn’t the best though because Griffin bit into his rice and broke his tooth on a rock. We left Kofiridua to go to Kukurantume, the village Carolyn lives in for the evening. We went to her counterpart’s house for Griffin’s first dinner of fufu, he liked it…for the first 5 minutes and then he grew tired of it quickly. We went hom
Day 2 of our trip was interesting…we woke up and Carolyn made up pancakes with real syrup that her parents sent. I’m sure Griffin didn’t appreciate it, it was the first pancakes I had had in 8 months. We headed back to town to meet up with Jacquie and Niall. I was feeling terrible still so I sat at a spot while Griffin and Jacquie ran to the bead market to shop for my Mom, and Carolyn went to meet Niall at the station. By the time they returned Griff was about tired of me being sick, he told me, "suck it up" so I did my best and we headed off to catch a tro tro. We climbed in the back row of the tro and headed to Kumasi. Griffin was on one side of the seat, a Ghanaian woman was between us, and I was on the other side of the seat, I started feeling real sick on the drive so I stuck my head out the window to vomit. This was the point Griffin realized that I was really sick and I couldn’t "suck it up", I don’t know how but I managed to make it out my window and some how it came back in and to the other side of the tro and I got him…I’ll just let him think I did it on purpose. Griff gave me a shirt of his because I managed to get sick on myself as well as his, the smell of a shirt washed in American detergent was the only thing that kept me from getting sick again…for the whole 4 hours we had left! Well I’m sure you don’t want all these details! We made it in to Kumasi and went to the sub-office, I made Griff a garlic and egg sandwich for dinner and he loved it. We enjoyed running water and long showers after our long day on the tro.
Day 3 I let Griff sleep in and I made him another egg sandwich because he liked the first one so much. After he finished breakfast I taught him to wash his clothes by hand. We headed to town and I showed him the market in Kumasi, he wasn’t a fan of the market or the fishy smells. Next we did some shopping for dinner that evening and then headed back to the sub-office. Griff wasn’t shy to let me know he was bored…still! A warning to all PCVs with family visiting, it is difficult to catch back up to Western time. I made black beans and rice and actually bought some real cheddar cheese to top off the beans, it was amazing.
Day 4 was relaxing for me; we stayed at the sub-office all day because Griff needed to be around internet to take his last college exam. It was a one hour timed online exam so he spent the afternoon studying. He started the exam and with his luck the power went out, luckily the generators came on without the computers ever shutting off. He finished his exam and we packed up so we could head out early the next morning.
Day 5 we headed out early with more egg sandwiches in hand…he is my biggest breakfast fan, he doesn’t want anything else. We went to the station in Kumasi and then caught a tro to Techiman. 3 hours later we arrived in Techiman and meet up with Chris and Terri and had lunch at our favorite lunch spot in training. Griff and I had groundnut soup and rice balls, my favorite Ghanaian dish…he liked it and his teeth stayed in tact. After lunch we walke
Day 6 Griff and I headed out at 6:30 a.m. to meet my homestay family who lived 30 minutes away from Terri’s house. We were there by 7:00 and they were so excited to meet him, I told them his Ghanaian name was Quame Griffin, meaning Tuesday born. My homestay father, Ansu, loved it and must have said his name Quame about 50 times. They insisted that we eat breakfast before we left, so we didn’t make it out till 8:30. We were back in Techiman meeting up with the group at 9:00 to head to Fuller waterfalls. We got on a tro for about 30 minutes and meet up with Jeremy, a PCV near the falls and we got to swim and climb the falls all afternoon. Griff brought this water proof, shock resistant, camera and was playing with it like a 5 year old. He ended up tying his camera to a balloon and floating his camera down the falls. The falls turned out to be his favorite part of the trip. We had canned corn beef on crackers for lunch at the falls, it looked and smelled like cat food, but for some reason it tasted amazing. We made it back to Terri’s that evening for dinner and some well needed sleep.
Day 7 we left Terri’s at 8:30a.m. to head to the station to catch a tro to Wa in the Upper West Region. We made it to the station and the car to Wa had one seat left, but we were 2 so we had to wait for the next tro to fill. We ended up having to wait for 10 ½ hours! We didn’t end up leaving until 7:30 that night, and we didn’t sleep at all on the tro because it was a bumpy dirt road the whole way. Griff kept a small Ghanaian girl from crying the whole trip with a laser light he had brought. We made it to Wa at 2:00 a.m. and took a taxi to the lodge that we stayed at. Exhausting day, but I’m glad he was able to experience an average day in Ghana, I hate to think of how many hours I’ve spent waiting for tros to fill.
Day 7 we were up and moving by 8:00 a.m. and decided with Gray, Erin, and Alicia that we were going to go to the hippo sanctuary. We went to the station in Wa and got a tro to the village near the hippo village about 3 hours away. By the time we made it there we were all red from the dusty road. We paid to spend the night in a platform in a tree, we bought food to cook for dinner, and we paid for the taxi to the village. 20 minutes later we were in the small small hippo village, a 20 minute walk after that we were getting in a canoe on the Volta River. We rode in the canoe for about 30 minutes and were convinced that ever rock we saw was a hippo. We were so excited when we actually saw a real hippo in the wild, well 8 hippos to be exact. The canoe was about 50 meters away and we sat for about 45 minutes just watching them. About 4 or 5 of them opened their mouths; it was just amazing how huge these animals were. We canoed back, and then walked to our tree house, we made spaghetti for dinner, then we went up to the tree house. It was a platform about 40 feet up with very steep steps to get there; we had mats to sleep on and mosquito nets to sleep under. We listened to music and played with a laser before we went to bed.
Day 8, I slept great, Griff didn’t! We headed out at 8:00 a.m., back to the village away from the hippo village, then we got in the back of a truck that held 30 people total for 3 hours. We made it back to Wa in the early afternoon and went back to the lodge that we stayed at 2 nights prior. One room is $7 so we decided to be cheap PCVs and share 1 room for 5 people. Griff and I were interviewed by Alicia while Gray and Erin went to a meeting for an HIV/AIDS bike ride they are planning. We ate Tized for dinner, a traditional Ghanaian meal for the Upper West.
Day 9 was long! Nobody got any sleep because 5 people in a small bed just didn’t work, but Griff and I left at 4:00 a.m. to head to Bolga. We made it in to Bolga around 1, Blake meet us at the station and we headed to Congo to have Pito, a home brewed alcohol in the North, and cat for dinner. The cat was really good, almost sweet tasting…but not much meat! I still can’t believe I ate cat, I love cats!
Day 10 we left Blake’s house at 8:00 a.m. and headed to Bolga. We went to the craft market in Bolga because Griffin was on a quest to get face masks and everyone said Bolga was the best place to get them. We got to the market and Griff went crazy…he started talking Ghanaian English and haggling like a pro…I was in total shock! He was wonderful at it, he got some amazing deals. He of course went over board, bought a chair, a table, and at least 15 masks. I finally pulled him away from the market and Blake, Griff, and I headed to the crocodile pond in a small village about 30 minutes away. The taxi took us straight there, we got out and paid money to take pictures with the crocodiles. The pond was surrounded by a fence, we walked over to the pond and our Ghanaian guide made a whistle sound and about 8 crocodiles came out of the water. They picked the biggest one and we walked around the crocodile to the back and the guide told me to pick up the tail. I grabbed the tail and Griff started taking pics, the guide just walked away and left me there with the crocodile. The crocodile started to move while I was holding its tail, so I calmly asked the guide, "what do I do?" He just told me to follow it! So I followed it while I was still holding its tail. Eventually it stopped and everyone finished their photo op. They fed a crocodile a tiny chicken we had to buy for 3 dollars and then we left. We were probably there for about 30 minutes max, but we all really enjoyed it. Griff tried to convince our guide to let him wrestle one, but he didn’t go for it. We went from Bolga to Tamale and got to the Tamale sub-office that evening. Kim cooked us an amazing dinner, spaghetti with real meat in the sauce.
Day 11, it’s hard to believe he has been here this long! We relaxed at the TSO that morning and ate French toast, I started getting sick again at about this point…Griff and I both had the runs and we ate Imodium like candy. Around noon we left foe the station to catch a tro to Mole National Park with Blake, our luck…only 1 seat was left. We never made it to Mole. I suppose it was a good thing though, we were all so exhausted we looked forward to another night at the TSO. Everyone thought we deserved another good meal so we went to a restaurant and ate pizza in Tamale.
Day 12 was another relaxing morning at the TSO with French toast again. We lounged and packed slowly, we had a bus to catch at 5:00 p.m., and over night, air conditioned bus to Accra. So we made it to the station at 5, and the bus didn’t show till 6, and we didn’t leave till 7. I loved the bus ride! Griff didn’t love the bus ride; he thought it was too cramped. We made it to Accra at 5 a.m. and took a nap in our hotel. Griff had an appointment at 11 to have an old hernia looked at, he managed to not only hurt his tooth but to also reinjury an old hernia surgery. I found out he could have the surgery redone in Ghana for only 200 bucks, compared to the 2000 it costs in the states. We made the doctor appointment and then got lunch and Griff went to shop for some more masks.
Day 13 we finally headed to my site! A 5 hour tro to Takoradi, then a 3 hour tro to my market town, then a 20 min to my village. We made it in around 3 p.m. and I took him for a short tour of my village. He met my landlord, like my Ghanaian Dad, Ateiko, who loved Griffin and was so excited to finally meet him. I made us Mac-n-Cheese for dinner, 2 boxes that took every ounce of strength I had to save for his visit. We were both still so sick neither for us could finish dinner. We unpacked all Griff’s bags and dug through all the goodies he brought. Thank you to Mrs. Cueto for the slim jims, treats, and med stuff that always comes in handy, thank you to Terri for the good book, music, sweets, and fruit roll ups, thank you to Mrs. Pfleuger and my class for the rice crispy treats and lip gloss, thank you to Michele H. for the tons of beef jerkey, thank you to Mom and Dad for everything you sent…and just to set the record straight you have all succeeded in making me the most spoiled volunteer in Ghana, by far. Thank you for my birthday gifts and for thinking of me so often. A big thanks for Griffin also, for coming to visit and for hauling all of the stuff you hauled for me! Back to the trip…
Day 14 we had a relaxing morning and Griff’s new found favorite breakfast, garlic and egg sandwich. We went to Beyin about 15 minutes away on a tro and then took a canoe out to Nzulezo, the stilt village. When we came back it was about 2 in the afternoon. We went straight to the Beyin Beach Resort so Griffin could meet me good friend Nina and Patrick. We had a pizza for lunch, the ham and pineapple pizza, Griffin’s favorite. We stayed in the nicest room there and slept like babies on the soft beds. Unfortunately we had to leave at 5 a.m. to make it to my site to repack and head on to Accra. We spent all day traveling back to Accra and made it in by the early evening. I was once again feeling sick all day.
Day 15 we woke up in Accra and went to Griffin’s dentist appointment, a filling in Ghana only costs $25. After his appointment and the nearly 2 hour wait we went to lunch with Erica and Chad. Sunshine salads, one of my favorite places in Accra! We went back to the hotel and packed up Griffin’s bags, I tried to sleep off my sickness while Griffin walked back to take one final look at masks. At 6:00 p.m. we loaded up and headed to the airport! It was hard saying good bye but I was looking forward to getting back to normal.
Turns out that evening I went back to the PC bunk room and I came down with a temperature of 104.5 and a serious chest infection. I started hallucinating and my limbs started to go numb. The next morning I went to the doctor and ended up spending over a week in Accra. I had to get 4 shots in my bum…let me tell you they were the most painful thing in the world. Thank goodness Erica was also in Accra for the week for physical therapy so we got to hang out the whole time. I finally made it back to my site last week. Let me tell you it feels so good to be home. I’m finally getting used to the lonely feeling again; I’ve had time to replant my garden which was very dead when I came home. I think it should make it this go around; we are deep into the rainy season now. It rains every day for several hours. I am planning to buy 2 rabbits next week and get my rabbit ranch going again. My landlord’s cat has had 2 kittens so I get to watch them play all day. The rainy season has also filled our well again so the kids are coming by to draw water, I love seeing them when I leave my room. Best of all, I am back to teaching all my students! Hopefully I can have my beach clean up competition soon and the HIV/AIDS soccer tournament soon after.
I hope everyone is well back home, I miss you all dearly! Mom, congrats on the new car…I bet you are one hott mama driving around in that convertible. Griff, good luck on your move to Texas, and thanks again for visiting me! I had a blast! Tess congrats on finally making it out of Cocoa Beach High! Good luck with college!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Pics finally!
The above picture is Erika, Caitlin, Me, and Terri (from left to right) on the tro tro ride out to go paragliding. We were all exhausted from staying up the whole night before having girl talk/gossip hour...well 8 hours. I think we managed to get about 2 or 3 hours of sleep. Then we couldn't sleep on the tro because we had finished our conversation from the night before. These girls rock my world!
This is the same wild bunch, Me, Erika, Terri, and Caitlin (from left to right). This is our pre-flight picture! We took it during the opening ceremonies when we couldn't manage to focus on the speaker because once again we had too much girl talk to catch up on!
This is Terri flying off the edge of the mountain! It also shows a great view of the town we landed in. She ran off the edge of th
The picture to the right is the crazy friend Terri that I am always talking about. I love her to death! She lives in Techiman where we did our first 3 months of training. She is one of the first stops on Griffin's trip, my brother.
Switching over to the St. Patty's Day party...all the free green beer you can drink at Ryan's pub. This is Brady and I! She is one of my best buddies, she is
The picture on the right is Me, Brady, and Marisa wishing everyone back home a Happy St.
I'm out of time on the computer! Next time I find time I will try to post some pictures of the trip with my brother and some of my village pictures. I miss you all!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Flying High!
Paragliding is a very relaxing sport! We went on tandem rigs, so I was attached to someone the whole time. Very different from skydiving which is what I am used to and was expecting. In skydiving you pull a parachute, or rip cord, whereas paragliding you run off a mountain side with your parachute already open. You really don’t even make it off the cliff; typically you “take off” before you make it to the edge. If you are me you start running and take off then you touch back down and eat it. I’m not talking about tripping and falling, I mean sliding face first in the mud with the person strapped to you just hanging out on your back nice and clean. To make it worst when I stood up covered from head to toe in mud a Ghanaian man walks up to me and says, “Oh, sorry!” then he asks to take pictures and tries to kiss my cheek in the picture. We gathered up the parachute and got back in line, with my group of 7 PCVs laughing at me. Ian, my tandem instructor decided that our next take off attempt we would try to take off in reverse. He convinced me that that would be easier; who would believe reverse is easier than forward….not me anymore! So we ran and turned (very small difference in the two take offs), but he told me to stop running. We had to abort the take off because there wasn’t enough wind for a reverse take off. Our third attempt was once again a forward attempt that finally worked. We ran and the parachute just lifted us up in the air, it was not a rush at all…but it was very relaxing.
Relaxing until he said that his rig wasn’t working properly! Ian told me that they were instructed to travel light so he took a few pieces off his rig. He left a part of the back support off his rig which made it very difficult to sit comfortable in his seat. The only way he could sit in his rig was to prop his legs up on my thighs, so he had to wrap his legs around me. I harassed him the whole flight saying he was getting pretty frisky for our first date and he might have to buy me a beer when we land.
The flight was great! He taught me all about how to find a thermal and what they are, upward winds that prolong your flight. We followed the birds to the thermals and flew around the mountains and the cliffs. It was beautiful! The landing was very easy; all I had to do was lean forward and take about 3 or 4 steps. I never really mastered the landings in skydiving so I was a little nervous but it was great.
We packed the rig up in the back of the truck and 4 people sat in the cab and about 6 sat on all the equipment in the back. We rode from the soccer field we landed on back up the mountain to where we took off from. About half way up we got in a car accident though! A small taxi T-boned us because he claims his brakes when out. Fortunately the taxi was so small the 6 of us in the bed of the truck barely felt the accident. We all waited on the side of the road while the drivers yelled at each other. Turns out this picture I took of his license plate is what was used to track the drive down. He hit and ran after 20 minutes of arguing. We reloaded the truck and headed back up to the top.
At the top we relaxed while the rest of the volunteers went gliding. Cait was the last to go so we waited till very late for her to make it back up. The whole group of us loaded up in the back of a truck for a free ride back down the mountain but, last minute Cait and I decided to get free rides back down, paragliding! So I got a free second glide down! A much easier take off, got it on the first time, and another smooth landing. The rest of the group headed back to the KSO and Cait and I decided we were going to take a quick swim at the paraglider’s hotel before heading back. I also had to cash in on my free beer from my frisky late 40’s first date. We ate dinner, swam, and had a beer or 2. By the time we were ready to go we had several offers to stay…lol!
We made it back to the KSO and I took my rabbit home to start my rabbit ranch. My landlord and his grand kids were so excited to see the rabbit. I also made them mashed potatoes for dinner and they small kids loved them. I’m not sure if they loved them or the fact that I was feeding the kids with my hands the way the Ghanaian women do.
I’m very excited about Monday though, I am having a meeting in my village to start a women’s savings group called a “susu”. Also, my last mango seeds I planted were eaten by goats after there were about a foot tall. While I was away my new mango seed sprouted, along with corn, tomato, cantaloupe, and watermelon seeds. Several of my original seedlings are branching out and getting big! My brochure should be out real soon also. Classes are studying for their finals and then they will be out for over a month so I will get a nice break from my teaching and clubs. IST (in-service training) is April 7th so I will get to see some of my friends that I haven’t seen since the end of November.
It might sound a little strange but I really feel like I’ve changed so much here. I am hanging out with friends who are very spiritual, not so much religious, but believe in energies and all sorts of crazy interesting things. I’m really starting to feel at home here! We really had a great trip, it was just what I needed!
I miss you and love you all!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Mandy's sistine chapel!
To get my mind off of things I decided to decorate my room. For those of you who know me well you can testify that I love to paint. I don’t know if my parents will ever let me pick up another paint brush in our house again after they see these photos. This is a before picture of my window treatments…well, faded Little Mermaid bed sheets and my beautiful bright green walls.

I replaced the curtains with the brightest most mixed up fabric I could find!

My final touch was hanging all of the cards I've received! It helps me remember of all my friends and family, and reminds me to write.
The last thing I have left to do is come up with a light fixture to fix up the one I currently have. I tried something but was too embarrased to post it. It turned out looking like a 4 year olds failed art project. Next time I post I should have a better looking light! Until then I love you and miss you all!
PS- sorry for my bad spelling and grammer! When I write these I am normally in a hurry in the big city.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Missing Mekulu!
It feels like it’s been an eternity since the last time I posted a blog. It’s been a busy few weeks, unfortunately not the best few weeks.
About two and a half weeks ago Mekulu, my puppy went missing! She ruled my room, I let her roam in and out at her leisure. She spent some evening in my room with me normally stinking up my room with terrible gas. I don’t think she agreed with fish, but she sure did love it. She also spent several evenings out side roaming around and visiting the neighbors, she had a play mate puppy at the neighbor’s complex. A few weeks ago she went out for her evening on the town and when I woke up the next morning she hadn’t returned but, I didn’t think much of it. When she hadn’t returned the following even I started to get a little concerned, as did Ateiko, my landlord. We walked around the village, from end to end; we asked all the villagers if they had seen her and followed ever lead. Ateiko threatened to arrest anyone who might have taken her and offered rewards for any information and we hired kids to find any information they could. Ateiko called the local police authorities who are several villages away, they held a week long investigation before giving up. Following leads and roaming the village become our nightly ritual for about a week straight. It faded to searching ever other night and stopped all together a few nights ago. I try to ignore the rumors around the village, they say she was stolen and eaten. I’m convinced that she found a puppy love and ran off to make babies some where. I’m sure she could sense that I was going to take her in to be spade in a few more weeks. Either way, at this point I don’t think she is going to return. I’m really going to miss her, she love to run on the beach with me, well run circles around me on the beach. She would never go in the water with me and she hated baths. When ever I came home she would be there with her tail wagging, it would wag so hard her whole body would be swing side to side. It was too much excitement for her little body to hold! It was great having someone excited to see me ever time I came home. I think the hardest part is my village, they show their condolence by asking where she is ever time they see me. My landlord wants to buy me a new dog already but I have asked him not to. I haven’t decided if I am going to try it again or not!
A school with 60 kids came and we took 3 separate trips out 20 minutes off shore and 20 minutes back. When we made it out there we jumped off the side for a quick swim, just the fishermen and I, everyone else was afraid to swim in the “deep sea” or didn’t know how to swim. It was an exciting fun ride, when we came in they would let the boat turn parallel with the waves and we almost flipped several times.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Game Day
We got to stay at the KSO (Kumasi Sub-Office) and cook American food, watched TV, and relax, it was great. The KSO just isn’t the same without
The day after the game Janet and I said our good-byes to Terri and headed to

My original plan was to spend one night in

I had made plans to take a tro 8 hours home so that I could leave early the next morning to head to
I was happy to survive
After a week and a half away from site I was excited to get home. We left at 4:30 in the morning to head back to Beyin. I didn’t get any sleep the night before we left, and you guessed it… I was stuck in the fold down seat! Not even the fold down seat could’ve brought down the good mood I was in finally returning home. Not the fold down seat, or the oil leak that caused us to break down in the middle of no where for an hour in a half, or the second oil leak that took 30 minutes to fix, or the third oil leak that took another 30 minutes to fix. I made it home at 9:30 pm after 17 hours on a broke down tro. I walked up to my house and found 30 Ghanaians screaming and Ateiko trying to mediate, his job as a village elder. He was so excited to see me he stopped everything to hug me and give me a kiss on my hand. I told him I was going to sleep and I would tell him about my trip the next morning.
I decided to skip church on Sunday and catch up on a few things at site; number one priority was my wash. Without a clean stitch of clothing I spend 3 hours washing everything I owned. I was so carried away with washing I gave Mekulu, my puppy a good scrub down next. After two weeks away from her she must have doubled in size. She was so excited to see me, and not happy with me after her bath. After I did my wash I headed into town to buy a cell phone charger and replace my broken one. I made it to Tikobo 1 and everything was closed because it was Sunday (I don’t know what I was thinking). I found a hardware store that was open and bought some mesh to build a mesh guard for my garden. My garden survived one week against the snails and lizard that ate everything that had germinated. I also bough chicken wire so I can build a rabbit cage. I have decided to become a rabbit rancher! ***This coming from a girl who had pet rabbits her whole childhood. My landlord had tried to raise rabbits once before but the burrow he dug for the rabbits collapsed and killed his rabbits. I would never be able to eat rabbit, especially after I raised them, so I will be a breeder. Rabbit is a fast producing was of getting protein for villagers. It has not caught on in my village, however Ateiko is willing to try it and he can help spread the word. I came home and replanted all the seeds that had been in the water sachet bags (make shift pots). I also bought a bucket to replant my mango seed that has now grown leaves.
I went to our village meeting today and was shocked when a more serious than coconut thieves was brought up. The village came in numbers when the elders demanded that the kids be brought from school to attend the meeting, and the parents were also required to drop what they were doing and go to the meeting. The topic of the meeting was the lack of respect the children were showing as well as their slipping grades. I wasn’t too concerned till the teachers stood up and told about the two students that were caught having sex in the school house. When caught by a teacher they said very rude things to the teacher, which resulted in the teacher quitting. After the meeting I was taken to the school by all the teachers to speak to the students impromptu. I introduced myself to all the classes, although they already knew me. I told them that starting next week I would be coming in once a week to talk to them about behavior, their future plans, the environment, and HIV and AIDS. I am planning to go in with games and treats. I will talk to them about what they want to be when they grow up; most of them have very few life goals. After we identify their goals we will talk about what it will take to get there, leading into a talk about grades, education, manners, and respect for others. The following week I will lead into HIV and AIDS. The kids caught were only 13 and 14 years old and having unprotected sex, fortunately she announced to the village that she was not pregnant. I swear Africans just don’t get embarrassed ever! It amazes me!
My two week vacation/work trip was just what I needed to recharge my batteries! It feels great to get back to work!
Skip and Teri corner: For family and friends concerned about my health! I’m sad to announce that my worm has died. I guess I wasn’t the best host! My toe has also healed up along with the rest of my bug bites. I am still battling heat rash; I’ve noticed it is just on my right side. I finally realized that I sleep on my right side; I fall asleep and wake up sweating most nights…so that is where the heat rash is coming from. Besides that I am in perfect health, and getting a little of my tan back. I have been going to Nzulezo a lot this week trying to put together a brochure, so I’ve been in the sun more than I should. Try explaining to an African why your skin has turned red, I have to reassure them it will turn back white. I had a Ghanaian try to scratch off once of my freckles for 10 minutes yesterday before I convinced him that it wouldn’t come off.
I miss you and love you all! Take care!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Zachley's Pandemic
Why we are on the medical topic, you might be interested to hear about my worm and my witch doctor. Better known as Ateiko…my landlord! He says he is a doctor, but nobody knows his qualifications, besides the fact he has been practicing medicine for 35 years. I came home from Takoradi with a hook worm in my foot, according to the Peace Corps. It was a red, puffy, itchy line across the top of my foot, starting at one of my infected lovely bug bites. I showed Ateiko and told my foot for conversation sake at the dinner table (you can do things like that in Ghana at the dinner table). I told him I was going to the chemical store (pharmacy) tomorrow to get medicine for the hook worm. He said it wasn’t a hook worm and I should be worried. He informed me it was a different type of worm, but he didn’t know the English name for it. He said the only way to get rid of it is to cut a small hole in my foot and grab the end of the worm. You wrap the end of the worm around a stick and twist the stick until the worm is all the way out. If you ask Betty, a woman I work with, I should mash the pill up till it is a powder, then cut my foot open and put the powder in the cut. I am going to sneak to the chemical store tomorrow and lay low till it goes away, or Ateiko and Betty forget.
Our village has meetings every Tuesday morning. It is 4 to 5 hours of arguing, screaming, clapping, and laughing. At this meeting I told the community that I would teach computer lessons on the early 90s model computer that has been donated, assuming that it works. I’m not exactly a computer wiz, but I will be teaching very basic skills like how to turn the computer on and how to type.
At the village meeting we also discussed the serious crime wave that is sweeping our small town. Coconut thieves! Please, don’t worry about my safety, I am happy to announce the vicious criminals have apprehended. They are being held until they pay their bail of $50 (big money in Ghana), reimburse the people whose coconuts they had stolen, and buy a bottle of gin for the community. What would we do without that bottle of gin? I know I could never forgive the thieves without it!
I went on a trip to New Town, it is the boarder town between Ghana and The Ivory Coast. We went on the beach, my Supervisor Cynthia and I, and it was a beautiful drive…for the most part. I learned that Ghanaians who don’t have latrines, which is the majority of the people who live in coastal villages. They make their bawl movements, #2s, poops, commonly called shit, but I like who the Ghanaians put it best, toilet. The Ghanaians make toilet on the beach. They dig small cat holes and toilet in them, some but not all fill their holes. I did learn on our little trip that Ghanaians get diarrhea to, at least 50%, it’s not just the PCV. And, it’s all orangeish yellow, my guess is from all the plantains they eat. It was not the prettiest drive ever. I’m just happy that mine is one of the more clean beaches!
Today was the first day of the African Cup of Nations! Ghana beat Guinee! It was pure chaos and excitement in my village. It’s the happiest I’ve ever seen them.
Well, my time is up! Till next time…
Monday, January 14, 2008
Chicken in Church!
I have to be careful in church, you know, really pay attention. I get lost in the language and find myself staring off into the candles. Before I know it my blonde head is the only one sitting up in the church and all the other heads are down praying. I put my head down and start playing with the little girls through the pews. But, I seem to make it through every Sunday without offending anyone.
I got a letter in the mail the other day. The card read, “Why is the sky blue? asked Piglet. To give us something to talk about, said Pooh.” The card made my mind wonder, because “Why is the sky blue?” is such an easy question compared to some of the questions I have been asked. For instance, “Why does your hair grow long and mine doesn’t?” How does one answer that question? Then there is always the, “Will you marry me?” for which I respond, depending on my mood, “You can not afford to marry me. It will cost you 20 cows!” I have to be careful because they often respond that they will find a way to buy 20 cows. Sometimes they first ask me if I am married before asking me to marry them, often this comes before they ask me my name. If I am honest and say no, they ask me if I will marry a Ghanaian. I say no, I will not marry a Ghanaian. This is followed by another very hard to answer question, “Why won’t you marry a black man?” I have learned the right response, “Yes, I am married! My husband is in America.” I have even had Ghanaians continue, telling me that they will beat up my husband and take me as their wife. This is when I decide that if they want to play I can play… “You are just a small boy, (what they call children here) and my husband is a big man who could beat you up!” Other hard questions, “Can I have your skin?” or my nose, or my hair. This is an easy one; I say “Yes, take it!” I haven’t got all the answers just yet, but I am learning.
Harmaton has come! Finally it is getting cold! Last week I woke up one morning and it was cold. I had to lie in bed for a moment and convince myself that it was true. I thought my feet were asleep, cause they couldn’t possible be cold. It must have been upper 60s, lower 70s, sweater weather for sure. I walked to work in the morning and by noon I was sweating again. I had 3 more cold mornings and now they seem to have stopped. But they sure were nice while they lasted.
Oh, good news and bad! I am still not part of the “I shit my pants in Ghana” club, but I am part of the “I was robbed in Ghana” club. Only the hard core PCVs can make that club! Unfortunately another PCV was added to the club roster this week. She was robbed at gun point while in Accra. It was 5:30 in the morning, just around the corner from the Swissrest (the Peace Corps hotel). She also lost her cell phone, camera, and money, in addition to my losses she also lost an ipod and prescription sunglasses. Ironically enough she happened to be the same person who bought my cell phone off the black market for me. I had to buy my cell phone back from the thief who stole it from me. Well, she contacted me on my old cell phone to tell me that she had been robbed. She is keeping the cell phone that was stolen from me, since her cell phone was stolen. Twisted story huh? Lesson of the day, be careful in Accra, travel in groups, during the daylight, and take taxies as far as you can, but mainly carry as little on you as possible.
Dave, the SED (Small Entrepreneur Development) Director recently came to my site. He conducts site visits to everyone in the SED portion of Peace Corps Ghana in the first 3 months at site. We all meet before IST (In-Service Training). He brought me my mail, and my laptop. My Dad had it sent to a PCV who went home for Christmas, and that volunteer brought it back to me in Ghana. I am very excited to finally have my laptop, and the pictures and music on it. I finally have some Christmas carols to listen to, just a little late celebrating. When it goes to the screen saver it flashes all the pictures that I have saved. They really make me miss home! My favorite pictures are the pictures from the coast with my 3 favorite kiddos. My nieces and my nephew! We have pictures with the whole family, last year at the coast. I also love to see the pictures from our family cruise last year. I also have pictures taped to my wall of my family… all 3 of them. Thank you for sending me the Thanksgiving pictures Mrs. Pfleugar, they made my day.
I am finally starting to identify a few secondary projects at my site. My primary project is working for Ghana Wildlife Society, the only NGO in the Western Region. I am trying to help market a few tourist attractions in the Amazurie wetlands. We are building a tourist center for Nzulezo, the stilt village. We are also setting up a whale watching sea cruise, sea turtle, crocodile, and bird watching. The money that the NGO makes from the tourist will be divided and distributed to local communities. My secondary projects include environmental education, HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, beach clean ups, and waste management. One of my village’s biggest problems is the heaps of trash that are all over. I am designing a poster to be made to educate surrounding villages about trash disposal. I am going to my villages elders meeting on Tuesday to talk about starting a local land fill and burn site. I will be going to the school in my village this month for my first lesson on HIV/AIDS as well. In the next 6 months I hope to revive the NGO’s environment clubs in the local schools and organize a beach clean up competition. I haven’t decided the prize for the winning community with the cleanest beach. I also would like to organize a soccer tournament based on HIV/AIDS education for the children. I have lots to do, and my language learning isn’t going as well as I had hoped.
Life is getting better slowly but surely. I am getting used to the banku every night now. I have started making fried rice, but wither I cook or not I always have to eat the banku with Ateiko, my landlord. I am not good at making fried rice, the rice seems to be too clumpy, and so when it fries I come out with fried rice balls. Not quite right, but still much better than banku. I figure I have 2 years to critique my recipe. With all the seasoning I have received in the mail I can at least have different flavored fried rice balls, butter buds, season all, everglades seasoning, but normally I just load it up with eggs and onions. My toe is still attached, and my bug bites are finally starting to heal. Everyone seems to be curious if I look different since I’ve been here. The answer, yes! I don’t have a gorgeous tan from living in a beach village though, the malaria prophylactics have made me white as can be. My skin won’t tan for anything, I don’t even have tan lines anymore. I am doing everything I can do avoid banku belly, I don’t know if I’ve gained weight or lost because there are no scales here. Ghanaians tie beads around their waists and when the beads get tight they are gaining. When in Ghana, do as the Ghanaians do… my beads haven’t gotten any tighter or loser so I guess I am about the same as when I left the states. After 4 months here, my hair is finally starting to get longer. I think it is the longest it’s ever been. Middle of my back, and I’m finally starting to get used to the curls. I miss my hair straightener!
Well I had better wrap this up so I can get to market, the post office, and back to site before the tros make their last run. I will hopefully get my new camera in the mail soon and then I can post some new pictures. I will be back to the internet in about a week and a half to two weeks. I can’t wait to tell you about the African Cup of Nations game that I am going to on the 26th of January. I only wish I had a camera for it! I will stop in Accra to pick up mail before returning to site. So until next time, stay safe in America! Oh, and eat lots of good food for me, and see all the latest new movies. I love you and miss you all!