It feels like it’s been an eternity since the last time I posted a blog. It’s been a busy few weeks, unfortunately not the best few weeks.
About two and a half weeks ago Mekulu, my puppy went missing! She ruled my room, I let her roam in and out at her leisure. She spent some evening in my room with me normally stinking up my room with terrible gas. I don’t think she agreed with fish, but she sure did love it. She also spent several evenings out side roaming around and visiting the neighbors, she had a play mate puppy at the neighbor’s complex. A few weeks ago she went out for her evening on the town and when I woke up the next morning she hadn’t returned but, I didn’t think much of it. When she hadn’t returned the following even I started to get a little concerned, as did Ateiko, my landlord. We walked around the village, from end to end; we asked all the villagers if they had seen her and followed ever lead. Ateiko threatened to arrest anyone who might have taken her and offered rewards for any information and we hired kids to find any information they could. Ateiko called the local police authorities who are several villages away, they held a week long investigation before giving up. Following leads and roaming the village become our nightly ritual for about a week straight. It faded to searching ever other night and stopped all together a few nights ago. I try to ignore the rumors around the village, they say she was stolen and eaten. I’m convinced that she found a puppy love and ran off to make babies some where. I’m sure she could sense that I was going to take her in to be spade in a few more weeks. Either way, at this point I don’t think she is going to return. I’m really going to miss her, she love to run on the beach with me, well run circles around me on the beach. She would never go in the water with me and she hated baths. When ever I came home she would be there with her tail wagging, it would wag so hard her whole body would be swing side to side. It was too much excitement for her little body to hold! It was great having someone excited to see me ever time I came home. I think the hardest part is my village, they show their condolence by asking where she is ever time they see me. My landlord wants to buy me a new dog already but I have asked him not to. I haven’t decided if I am going to try it again or not!
A school with 60 kids came and we took 3 separate trips out 20 minutes off shore and 20 minutes back. When we made it out there we jumped off the side for a quick swim, just the fishermen and I, everyone else was afraid to swim in the “deep sea” or didn’t know how to swim. It was an exciting fun ride, when we came in they would let the boat turn parallel with the waves and we almost flipped several times.
Hey Mandy,
Sorry to hear about your puppy. It's really tough to lose a pet like that (I just found out that my cat at home died). Anyway, I wanted to wish you well and ask you to keep this thing updated, cause I'll be checking on you! (Just can't get away from me, can you ;-D?)
ng1123Mandy, I am Erica's mom, Susan.I am so sorry to hear about your puppy. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. I have a dog sitting business so I see the connection we animal lovers have with our pets. I replace immediately but I know you are in a different place so that may not be feasable. I read your blog along with Erica's and the others. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Susan
Have you made your replacement decision yet? We didn't have a chance to discuss the first decision, I only wonder about how tough it will be leaving a pet in 2 years. Do many get passed on to the next volunteer? All that said, I think getting another would probably be good.
My heart aches every time I think of Mekulu. I can relate to how she felt being all excited to see you.
I'm curious about the tour guides behavior towards the tourist and the behavior of the Nzulezo village towards the tourists -- sup?
Oh, Mandy, I am so sorry to hear about your puppy. I have 5 dogs. I bought two of them and rescued the rest either directly or via someone else, namely my daughter, Rachel. I love them all dearly. You become so attached to them and their antics. I hope you will get a replacement as I assume that a dogs life is not the same there as here in the US. Belonging with someone is heaven on earth for humans and pets!
Best to you,
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